Harp Premium Lager Review

Brewed By
Guinness Ltd
European Pale Lager
Year Round
Our Score

Background – From Guinness themselves “The best selling premium Irish import lager in the world today. This rich, golden pilsner style lager, with a smooth, refreshing hoppy taste, is brewed the Irish way, using only the finest barley and pure spring water from the Cooley Mountains of Dundalk, Ireland.”

Appearance – The bottle design is simple with a nice color scheme, with blue and silver being the dominant tones. Looking at this bottle nothing sticks out that this is a an Irish lager and I wish that Guinness would have made more of an effort. The beer itself pours a golden clear with a typical white foamy head. Lacing

Aroma – Like most pale lagers the aroma is quite weak. The only thing I notice is a bit of the malt and some caramel, but I cannot stress how faint it is.

Taste – The taste is similar to the aroma, not a lot here. Harp is more flavorful than Budweiser or Miller as the malts are a bit more present and you can notice a touch of the sugars leaves a nice flavor.

Drinkability – This is an Irishman’s dream when it comes to drinkability. You can drink this beer fast and in great quantities. When you let it settle there is a clean dry mouthfeel with a bit of sugar left on your lips. Next time you are having a party you should try playing some beer pong with Harp.

Overall – While I feel that Harp is a better lager than most of the American macro lagers it still suffers from the same issues. There is not a ton of aroma or flavor but holy hell is it drinkable. I would recommend trying this next time you need a beer for a party.

Game Pairing: When it comes to game pairing I decided to pick Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the Xbox. This game may not compare to the original arcade game or Turtles in Time but it is a solid beat em up and is great for a quick pick up and play game. So grab a six pack (or a case) and kick some foot solider ass! Sláinte

Final Thoughts
While I feel that Harp is a better lager than most of the American macro lagers it still suffers from the same issues. There is not a ton of aroma or flavor but holy hell is it drinkable.
Reader Rating2 Votes
A perfect drinking man's Irish beer for those of you who don't like Stouts.
Very little aroma and a bit too much of a dry mouthfeel when you finish a bottle.